Sunday 1 March 2015

Its about ''Sunday''

Today my most important day of the week ''Sunday'' is totally washed by rain. Rain is very unusual at this time, I don't know its because of global warming or anything else but it is fact that i cant complete some task reserved for Sunday. Since I start my professional career 3 years ago now its my daily habit to make everyday to do list, now i am so habitual of to do list that even on Sundays i make to do list. Today due to rain since 11 am in morning i cant accomplish same task.

Another fact is that in last 3 years i wasted many Sunday working (Its event management). Now Sunday is so previous for me i cant waste my Sundays any more in working. 

Saturday 28 February 2015

अपने पास रखो

तुम्हारे वादो को 
तुम्हारे संवादों को 
तुम्हारे यादो को 
अपने पास रखो 

ये जो अहम है तुम्हारा 
जिसे तुम attitude कहते हो 
वहम है तुम्हारा 
अपने पास रखो 

ये जो हँसते हो तुम 
झूठा झूठा 
बाते भी झूठी झूठी 
अपने पास रखो 

देना है तो गालिया दो 
यही है सच्ची बात तुम्हारी 
बाकी सब तुम्हारा 
अपने पास रखो